As one of the strategical investments of MK Capital, Moken was setup in year 2021 focusing on international sales for variance types of electric motors through different channels, the plant engineers are supporting Moken Global Sales Department with dotted reporting line.

Following the MK Capital strategy and Moken’s roadmap, starting from June, Moken started to hair motor related consumer electronic products onto Moken’s sales platforms. Moken will not only continue to be a solution provider of electric motors, but also more deeply involved into motor application related consumer products, including but not limited to ceiling fans, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, electric screwdrivers, etc. ......

An office has already been arranged for Moken in Dongguan City to centralize all international sales operation team members, while the product/engineering support related personnel will continue to work in different plants, and people travel between Moken and subsidiary plants when needed to improve the communication.

Post time: Jun-20-2022